Search Offenses
- Discrim franschisee
- Discrim fvr dlr owned mfg
- Discrim warranty reimburs
- Dishonor warr/etc veh
- Dismantle vehicle w/o permit
- Dismantle vehicle w/o permit
- Dismantling vehicle w/o notifying dmv
- Dismissed student/employee on campus
- Disobey domestic relations court order/pr convictions
- Disobey domestic relations court order/prior conviction
- Disobey fireman/po orders
- Disobey subpoena
- Disorderly condct at fire
- Disorderly conduct with concealed camcorder
- Disorderly conduct:alcohol
- Disorderly conduct:begging
- Disorderly conduct:distribute intimate photos/etc of another
- Disorderly conduct:distribute intimate photos/etc of minor
- Disorderly conduct:intox drug with alcohol
- Disorderly conduct:invade privacy bathroom/etc w/prior
- Disorderly conduct:invade privacy w/camera/etc in bathrm/etc
- Disorderly conduct:lodge without owners consent
- Disorderly conduct:loiter in or about toilet
- Disorderly conduct:loiter/etc private property
- Disorderly conduct:peek into inhabited building
- Disorderly conduct:prostitution
- Disorderly conduct:solicit lewd act
- Disorderly conduct:toluene
- Disorderly conduct:under influence of drug
- Disorderly house
- Disp/dist nitrous gbi/dth
- Dispense/etc dangerous drugs/devices
- Display as own sales lic
- Display imit f/arm pub 3+
- Display on vehicle/present to officer unlawful registration
- Display unauthorized disabled person placard
- Display unofficial ballot box
- Display unofficial ballot box
- Display/etc another's license
- Display/etc false disabled person placard:intent:fraud
- Display/etc revoked/etc license
- Display/etc unauthorized identification card
- Display/expose in public place imitation firearm w/prior
- Display/offer for sale/etc leave animal w/injury
- Display/possess fake/etc identification card
- Dispose hmn rmns comingle
- Dispose hmn rmns not cem
- Dispose hmn rmns w/o lic
- Dispose/etc liquid latex paint:land/waters
- Disposer loss human rmns
- Disposer no id human rmns
- Disregard safety:evade police
- Disrpt pb sfty infr cmptr
- Disrpt pb sfty infr cmptr
- Disrpt/dny govt cmptr svc
- Disrpt/dny govt cmptr svc
- Disrupt state capitol business
- Disrupt/deny computer svc
- Disrupt/deny/etc computer services
- Disrupt/etc cb/etc emergency transmission
- Disrupt/etc cb/etc emergency transmission w/sbi
- Disseminat comm recording
- Dissmnt commrc rcrdng mnr
- Dist fls info date/time vote
- Dist fls/etc info qual vt mail
- Dist fls/etc info qualify vote
- Dist intim imag int/humil
- Dist obsc mtr mnr sex mnr
- Dist obsc mtr mnr sx w/pr
- Dist unauth advert newsp
- Dist vote lit incor loc/office
- Dist vote lit w/incor info qualifications to vote
- Dist/mail vote lit w/incor loc vote center
- Dist/mail vote lit w/incorrect dates
- Distrb mnr prsnl inf abus
- Distrib photo repro patient intim
- Distribute unauthorized advertisement in newspapers
- Distribute unsolicited tobacco
- Distribute/etc obscene matter of minor to minor
- Distributor without a license
- District 10:squid violation
- Disturb archeo evidence
- Disturb by loud/unreasonable noise
- Disturb religious meeting
- Disturb/behavior:public transit system
- Disturbance/etc at assembly/etc
- Diversion of funds
- Diversion of funds -$2350
- Diversion of funds [over $1000]
- Diversion of funds $2350+
- Dlr advert guarntd trd in
- Dlr advert total w/o cost
- Dlr buy book/etc w/o dil
- Dlr buy metal/etc w/o dil
- Dlr buy metal/etc w/o dil
- Dlr change franchise
- Dlr exclude fees advert
- Dlr fail discl auct dtls
- Dlr fail dscl seized veh
- Dlr fail giv/etc cert/reg