Search Offenses
- Dlr fail sign cert transf
- Dlr fail to dscl byr fee
- Dlr fl dep purch trst acc
- Dlr fl disp ad veh showrm
- Dlr fl disp adqt bus sign
- Dlr fl disp id sign exhbt
- Dlr fl maint trust acc
- Dlr fl notify change loc
- Dlr fl post sgn 3rd prty
- Dlr fl prsnt discls stmnt
- Dlr fl prvd cert transf
- Dlr fl pst sign no cl off
- Dlr fl sell veh as advert
- Dlr fls advert certified
- Dlr fls rep veh model yr
- Dlr not determin ownrship
- Dlr offer fee for referal
- Dlr offer fee for referal
- Dlr rep fees as govt fees
- Dlr sell veh no engin tag
- Dlr sell/etc f/arm to mnr
- Dlr sell/etc f/arm to mnr
- Dlr unlaw sell lght truck
- Dlr unlaw sell motorcycle
- Dlr use fls rebate offer
- Dlr waive deduct:auto rep
- Dlr wv ddct auto rpr 950+
- Dlvr veh not meet all req
- Dmg aircraft rendr unsafe
- Dmg/etc aircraft unsafe
- Dmp hrmfl subst in swr pr
- Dock tail/horse/cattle
- Dog at lge:stock:inj/dth
- Dog trained to fight/etc cause injury
- Dog trained to fight/etc cause injury
- Doj firearm manufacture/assembling requirements
- Drag equip w/nonambultry
- Draw water from closed works
- Draw/exhibit firearm on grounds of day care center/etc
- Draw/exhibit firearm on grounds of day care center/etc
- Drawing lottery
- Drg ofr cnt patt unath en
- Drg ofr on schl w/o perm
- Drg ofr rentr schl w/17
- Drive the wrong way on divided highway:cause inj or death
- Drive unregistered docked horse
- Drive with revoked/suspended license:cause injury accident
- Drive/own auto w/hov decal not issued to that vehicle
- Drive/ride/etc along railroad track
- Driver fail to provide information at injury/death accident
- Driving under influence 0.08% w/prior convictns:per 23550 vc
- Driving under influence with prior convictions per 23550 vc
- Driving under influence within 10 years of prior felony dui
- Driving under influence within 10 years of prior felony dui
- Drug offender remain in school zone
- Drug/etc race/exhb animal
- Drv veh on rlrd w/o auth
- Drv w/explosive near fire
- Drv w/explosive near fire
- Drv wrong hwy inj/dth
- Drvr prvd fls info
- Dry cleaning req viol
- Dsp/ofr/sell incpmpl hscr
- Dsply veh loc not princpl
- Dspssess lnd/etc w/o auth
- Dsrpt/thrtn sfty pupl k-8
- Dui .08 alcohol:causing bodily injury
- Dui .08 alcohol:causing bodily injury
- Dui alc 0.04 %:commercial vehicle:causing injury
- Dui alcohol
- Dui alcohol:causing bodily injury
- Dui alcohol:causing bodily injury
- Dui alcohol/0.04 percent while driving commercial vehicle
- Dui alcohol/0.08 percent
- Dui any drug
- Dui any drug w/pr
- Dui any drug: cause bodily injury
- Dui any drug: cause bodily injury
- Dui combined alcohol and drug
- Dui combined alcohol and drug: cause bodily injury
- Dui combined alcohol and drug: cause bodily injury
- Dui w/prior specific convictions
- Dui w/prior specific convictions
- Dui: alcohol/.04% passengr is pass for hire
- Dump grease waste in trap
- Dump harmf subst in sewer
- Dump hazardous substance on road/water/etc
- Dump hazardous substance on road/water/etc
- Dump/deposit/etc waste/garbage/etc in public
- Dump/deposit/place/etc garbage in navigable waters
- Dump/etc grease waste in/on waters of the state
- Dump/etc substance in sanitary sewer facility/etc
- Dump/etc waste in commercial quantities
- Duplicate/possess/etc identification/fake identification card
- Eavesdrop/record prisoner and lawyer/etc
- Eavesdropping
- Eavesdropping
- Elder/dependent adult abuse:endanger health/etc
- Elder/dependent adult cruelty
- Elder/dependent adult theft:by caretaker