Search Offenses
- Elect ofcr fl file sec st
- Elected state/government officer receive personal loan $500+
- Election laws
- Electioneer info in voter line
- Electioneer info in voter line
- Electioneer info in voter line
- Electneer 319.5 100ft pll plc
- Electr dist harrass matrl
- Embez - approp pub money
- Embez - falsify account
- Embez - keep false accnt
- Embez - loans approp pub
- Embez - omits to trsnfer
- Embez - rfs pay pub mny
- Embez - rfs to pay ofcr
- Embez prop pub/prvt ofcr
- Embezzle leased/rented vehicle
- Embezzle leased/rented vehicle
- Embezzle private property
- Embezzle private property [over $400]
- Embezzle property by public/private officer
- Embezzle property by public/private officer [over $400]
- Embezzle property under lease
- Embezzle property under lease [over $400]
- Embezzlement
- Embezzlement
- Embezzlement [over $400]
- Embezzlement [over $400]
- Embezzlement $950+
- Embezzlement by bailee/etc
- Embezzlement by bailee/etc [over $400]
- Embezzlement by employee
- Embezzlement by employee [over $400]
- Embezzlement by public officer
- Embezzlement by public officer
- Embezzlement by public officer
- Embezzlement by public officer
- Embezzlement by public officer
- Embezzlement by public officer
- Embezzlement by public officer
- Embezzlment by bailee/etc
- Emp/etc conf consc adlt
- Empl/fl rprt unlic slprsn
- Employ individual under 21 to sell marijuana
- Employee sex act w/inmate
- Employee take loan commission
- Employer fail to post notice of insurance
- Employer grand theft wages
- Employer grand theft wages
- Employer not keep employment records
- Employer refuse to furnish pay/etc information
- Emplr fl maintn drvr cert
- Emplr tow truck cert viol
- Emply fl partic dmv ntc
- Emply rep not licensed
- Endanger airborn aircraft
- Endanger person:reckless transport/etc haz waste:sbi/death
- Endless chain scheme
- Engage in business w/o license
- Engage in business w/o permit to sell
- Engage in business without license:escrow agent
- Engage in business/etc trade w/o license/etc
- Engage in rental business without license
- Engaging in sexual act with inmate
- Enter animal enclosure
- Enter closed disaster area
- Enter horse in race under ficticious name
- Enter horse in race under ficticious name
- Enter horse race area after exclusion/etc
- Enter horse race enclosure after exclusion
- Enter/etc noncommercial dwelling
- Enter/etc noncommercial dwelling
- Enter/etc noncommercial dwelling during incident
- Enter/remain on posted property
- Enter/remain on school grounds w/o registering
- Entice minor for prost
- Entice minor for prost
- Eo solicit/accept a bribe
- Erect sign to mislead railroad employee
- Escape from mental health facility
- Escape from public training school/etc
- Escape jail/etc while charged/etc w misdemeanor:w/o force
- Escape jail/etc while charged/etc w/misdemeanor:force/violence
- Escape jail/etc while charged/etc with a felony
- Escape jail/etc while charged/etc with felony:force/violence
- Escape jail/etc while charged/etc with misdemeanor
- Escape mental health facl
- Escape while felony charge is pending
- Escape:mental facility/etc
- Escape:minor fail to return from furlough/etc
- Escape:narcotic commitment
- Escape/att aftr arr w/frc
- Escape/att escape after arrest w/force/etc causing sbi
- Escape/att escape from custody w/force/etc causing sbi
- Escape/att felon forc/vio
- Escape/att felon frc/viol
- Escape/att felon frm prsn
- Escape/att felon frm prsn
- Escape/att frm cust w/frc
- Escape/attempt escape after arrest