Search Offenses
- Fl to obt fish imprtr lic
- Fl to obtn fish whlslr lic
- Fl tow prvd ntc veh rmvl
- Fl trnsf mny frgn country
- Fl trnsf mny frgn country
- Fl withdraw advert by dlr
- Fl/ref prvd rec veh fran
- Fl/ref rtn/dlvr elec jnls
- Fl/ref surrender rvkd dl
- Fl/ref surrender rvkd lic
- Flee to ca to avd pc 290
- Flr keep/sub acc fish rcrd
- Flr notify cease business
- Flr prvd rcrd mfg closur
- Flr to dest rcrd
- Flr to mntn traps > 96hrs
- Flr to observe stop order
- Flr/ref comply o/s
- Fls adv prior use veh
- Fls advert used as new
- Fls cert no objection adm hlth fac
- Fls deputy/etc arrest/dtn
- Fls deputy/etc intimidate
- Fls deputy/etc obtn money
- Fls deputy/etc srch persn
- Fls info f/armm reg prohb
- Fls info to pwnbrkr -$950
- Fls info to pwnbrkr $950+
- Fls mltry unif prmt chari
- Fls pub ofcr arrest/detan
- Fls pub ofcr arrest/detan
- Fls pub ofcr intimidate
- Fls pub ofcr intimidate
- Fls pub ofcr obtain money
- Fls pub ofcr obtain money
- Fls pub ofcr search persn
- Fls pub ofcr search persn
- Fls rep census trk intrfr
- Fls stmnt full fact equip
- Fls verification of veh
- Fls/etc ins inf f/pay/etc
- Fls/etc ins info for pay
- Food fac:sanitation violation
- Food facility operation violate toilet distance/requirement
- Food facility toilet violation
- Food stamp program violation
- Food stamp program violation
- Food stamp program violation [over $400]
- Food stamp program violation [over $400]
- Food waste disposal/etc violation
- Force on person:place of worship:ca face act
- Forcible entry and detainer
- Forcible entry:property damage
- Forecloser induce/etc contract
- Forecloser induce/etc contract
- Foreclosure fraud
- Foreclosure fraud
- Foreign contrib measure/candidate
- Forge access card to defraud
- Forge access card to defraud
- Forge mltry doc obt money
- Forge name:access card/etc
- Forge name:access card/etc
- Forge official seal
- Forge railroad/steamship ticket
- Forge rr/steamship ticket
- Forge/alter narcotic prescription
- Forge/alter narcotic prescription
- Forge/alter vehicle registration/etc
- Forge/alter vehicle registration/etc
- Forge/counterfeit/falsify disabled person placard
- Forge/etc handwriting/etc
- Forge/etc official seal
- Forge/etc prescription
- Forge/etc prescriptions
- Forge/etc/handwriting/etc
- Forgery
- Forgery
- Forgery
- Forgery: check/bond/cashier check etc - $950
- Forgery:false checks/records/certificates/etc
- Forgery:false checks/records/certificates/etc.
- Fradulent use of access devices:acquire goods $1000 or more
- Fraud clm by non-vet mony
- Fraud clm by vet obt mony
- Fraud mltry décor obt mny
- Fraud obt ins:reduce rate
- Fraud of franchise
- Fraud sale of halal meat
- Fraud to obtain aid
- Fraud to obtain aid
- Fraud to obtain aid
- Fraud to obtain aid (over $400)
- Fraud to obtain insurance at a reduced rate
- Fraud use tv/etc trns:inf
- Fraud:postal money order
- Fraud:solicit for charitable/religious/etc contributions
- Fraudulent advertise as a notary public
- Fraudulent conveyances
- Fraudulent possess/use keencoder