Search Offenses
- Advoc kill/inj po w/inj
- Advoc kill/inj po w/o inj
- Advocate kill/injure peace officer w/out injury
- Advocate kill/injure peace officer with injury
- Adw not a firearm on p.o./firefighter:gbi likely
- Adw with force:possible gbi
- Adw with force:possible gbi
- Adw/likely gbi on school employee:not firearm
- Affirm false finan stmt
- Affirm false finan stmt
- Affix false label to controlled substance
- Affix false label to controlled substance
- Affix supp price sticker
- Agency/etc offer to pay/etc parent for adoption
- Agent/etc misappropriate escrow funds/etc
- Agent/etc withhold/etc facts pertaining to escrow affairs
- Agg arson:+$10,100,000pd
- Agg sex asslt mnr -14 cncrt
- Agg sex asslt mnr -14 oral
- Agg sx asslt mnr -14 rape
- Agg sx asslt mnr -14 sodmy
- Aggravated arson
- Aggravated arson with prior
- Aggravated arson:cause excess property damage of $6,500,000
- Aggravated arson:damage 5 or more inhabited structures
- Aggravated battery:gassing by prisoner
- Aggravated mayhem
- Aggravated sexual assault of a minor with a foreign object
- Aggravated sexual assault of minor by force/etc
- Aggravated sexual assault of minor:violation of 264.1 pc
- Aggravated sexual assault:minor:oral cop/etc:force fear/etc
- Aggravated sexual assault:minor:sodomy by force/etc
- Agree mfg/etc prejudicial
- Aid and abet/etc suicide
- Aid escape from state hospital/mental facility
- Aid escape:youth authority institution
- Aid escape:youth authority institution w/force or violence
- Aid lotteries
- Aid/advise/etc suicide
- Aid/asst preparation false tax return/etc
- Aid/etc escape from public training school/etc
- Aid/etc in the preparation/etc of false/etc documents/etc
- Aim laser pntr pc ofcr pr
- Aim/etc laser pointers at peace officer
- Alcohol/tobacco products advertise in video game
- All other juvenile
- Allow/etc elder/dependent adult abuse:result:gbi/harm/death
- Alter identification card without authorization
- Alter meaning of telephone/telegraph message
- Alter meter for utility services
- Alter prescription date
- Alter telegraphic message
- Alter veh id num fr sale
- Alter wager after acquiring knowledge of outcome
- Alter/change vehicle identification numbers
- Alter/change/etc imitation firearm to look like a firearm
- Alter/destroy/etc issued parking citation prior to filing
- Alter/etc access card account information
- Alter/etc brand/etc:stolen bovine/etc
- Alter/etc card accnt info
- Alter/etc card accnt info
- Alter/etc computer systems/etc:illegal use
- Alter/etc computer systems/etc:illegal use
- Alter/etc corporation books/etc with intent to defraud
- Alter/etc evidence:harm public safety officer
- Alter/etc medical record with fraudulent intent
- Alter/etc ntc viol toll
- Alter/etc physical matter with intent to charge with a crime
- Alter/etc shopping/laundry cart
- Alter/etc vehicle id number for sale/etc
- Alter/etc vital/health statistics certificate/etc
- Alter/etc will/etc
- Alter/etc will/etc
- Alter/falsify or use f/a or h/gun safety cert to buy gun
- Alter/forge request for aid-in-dying drug w/o conscent
- Alter/forge/falsify driver's license/identification
- Alter/forge/falsify driver's license/identification
- Alter/misrepresent the outcome of gambling game
- Alter/mutilate/etc license
- Alter/remove/etc identification marks on firearm
- Alteration cat claws/etc
- Alters/etc certified copy of official record
- Altr com srv pb sfty infr
- Altr com srv pb sfty infr
- Altr/etc orig/copy citatn
- Altr/etc req bumper stikr
- Altr/etc trans/etc of cbl
- Anaesthetic in racing inclosure
- Animal/etc:food facility
- Anml unattnd veh gbi w/pr
- Annoy/etc child -18 with prior
- Annoy/etc child after illegal entry of inhabited bldg/etc
- Annoy/etc child after specific prior convictions
- Annoy/molest victim believed to be under 18 years of age
- Annoy/molest victim believed to be under 18 years of age
- Annoy/molest victim under 18 years of age
- Annoy/molests victim under 18 years of age
- Annoying telephone call:obscene/threatening
- Annoying/etc calls to 911
- Any person aid escape