Search Offenses
- Injure railroad/railroad bridge
- Injure railroad/rr bridge
- Injure standing crops/etc
- Injure u s coast survey signal/etc
- Injure/destroy written instrument
- Injure/destroy/etc insured property
- Injure/etc 10 ton or more vessel
- Injure/etc specific undersized salmon
- Injure/etc work of art/improvement
- Injure/possess/etc mountain lion
- Inmat hld holstage in prsn
- Inmate 1170.05 escape
- Inmate possess handcuff key
- Innkeeper/carrier refuse customer
- Inop fire protect sys gbi
- Inoperable/etc fire protection system
- Install/maintain two-way mirror
- Install/use pen register:trap/trace device w/o court order
- Install/use pen register:trap/trace device w/o court order
- Instr other in cheating
- Insuff fund check -$950
- Insuff fund check $950+
- Insufficient funds:checks/drafts/etc
- Insufficient funds:checks/drafts/etc
- Insure lottery tickets
- Int cruelty to anml/kill
- Int cruelty to anml/kill
- Intend to deliver cellphone/devices/etc to inmate
- Intent avoid screening inspection
- Intentional disposal/etc hazardous/etc waste
- Intentionally damage property:place of worship:ca face act
- Intentionally damage property:repro health svs:ca face act
- Inter/cremat/etc w/o auth
- Intercept/etc cell commun
- Intercept/etc celulr comm
- Intercept/etc crdlss comm
- Intercept/etc phone transmissions
- Intercept/etc public saftey radio communication
- Intercept/etc transmission between remote phones/etc
- Interf w/traf dev:dth/inj
- Interface with flight crew/etc
- Interfer emergency scene w/remote drone/aircraft etc
- Interfere with power line
- Interfere with traffic device:death/injury
- Interfere with work or discipline:convict
- Interfere with work or discipline:prisoner
- Interfere with/etc fireman/rescuer
- Interfere with/furnish drugs/weapons to convict
- Interfere with/furnish drugs/weapons to prisoner
- Interferes/etc with lifeguard during emergency
- Interstate transport stolen vehicle
- Interstate/foreign travel in aid of racketeering enterprises
- Intrfr prsnr wrk cntl sub
- Intrfr w/conv discip/wrk
- Intrfr w/shoot/hunt/etc
- Intro contam to computer
- Intro contam to computer
- Intrp grnd juror disc fct
- Invad privcy concld video
- Invade privact:with concealed camcord/etc
- Invade privacy:elec track device
- Investment advisor without certificate
- Invoice fraud
- Involuntary manslaughter
- Issue a false/fictitious prescription
- Issue false bill of ladng
- Issue false bills of lading/etc
- Issue false prescription
- Issue false warehous rcpt
- Issue false warehouse receipts
- Issue unmarked duplicate receipts
- Issue/etc fraudulent receipt/etc for stored goods
- Issue/etc receipts for nonexistent goods
- Issue/fill illegal controlled substance prescription
- Issuer receive valuables for allowing telcom services fraud
- Issuer receive valuables for allowing telcom services fraud
- Issuing/etc security w/o permit
- Jail after release on writ of habeas corpus
- Judge obstructs justice
- Judge/constable purchase judgment
- Judge/juror ask/rcv bribe
- Judge/juror/etc receive/etc bribe
- Judgement imposing payment of fine
- Judicial officer accept money/etc to marry
- Judicial officer receive/etc gratuity
- Judl ofcr accept reward
- Junk dealer:false signed transfer document
- Junk dealer/etc buy from unauthorized person
- Junk dealer/etc fail to keep/etc records
- Junk dealer/recycler:false description junk purchased/sold
- Junk dealer/recycler:false dmv info vehicle transporting junk
- Junk dealer/recycler:false name/address to whom junk is sold
- Junk dealer/recycler:false statement place/date sale/purchase
- Junker buy wire/metal illegally
- Jury tampering
- Justifiable homicide
- Justifiable homicide:public officer
- Keep anml w/o proper care
- Keep bookmaking premises
- Keep disorderly house