Search Offenses
- Oral copulation w/person undr 18
- Oral copulation: victim of act due to perpetrators fraud
- Oral copulation: victim unaware act occurred
- Oral copulation: victim unconscious or asleep
- Oral copulation:threat arest/deport
- Oral copulation:victim intox/under the infl of contr substance/anesth
- Oral copulation:victim under 10 years of age
- Ordr dlvry veh ftrs unlst
- Ordr part/etc for person
- Organized retail theft act as agent for
- Organized retail theft act as agent for
- Organized retail theft organizes others to undertake
- Organized retail theft organizes others to undertake
- Organized retail theft receive/purch/poss knowing stolen
- Organized retail theft receive/purch/poss knowing stolen
- Organized retail theft with intent to sell/exch/return
- Organized retail theft with intent to sell/exch/return
- Own firearm without serial number
- Own/etc chop shop
- Own/etc chop shop
- Own/etc f/arm prot ord
- Own/operate razzle dazzle game
- Own/operate/instruct driving school/etc w/o license
- Owner neg: anml caus dth
- Owner negligence:animal cause human death
- Owner/etc allow/etc und 18 to view/etc drug paraphernalia
- Owner/etc fail to provide animal care
- Owner/etc negligence:animal cause human injury/death
- Owner/etc negligence:animal cause human injury/death
- Owner/etc: animal sbi/dth
- Owner/etc: anml cause sbi
- Ownr fl rec mileag transf
- P0ssess blank check/etc:defraud
- Packaging and sale fraud
- Packing/etc commodities in non-conforming containers
- Pander person for prostitution by threat/violence/etc
- Pander:abuse power f/prst
- Pander:encrg place f/prst
- Pander:rcv mny procr prst
- Pandering
- Pandering:other person over 16
- Pandering:other person under 16
- Pandering:procure person for prostitution
- Pandering:procure person for prostitution
- Parent rcv mult ben adptn
- Parent receive financial benefit for incompleted adoption
- Parent receive multiple pay/etc for adoption
- Parent refuse minor child shelter
- Parent refuse minor shelter/etc
- Parent/etc disrupt classwork/etc
- Parent/guardian fail compel minor to continuation educ class
- Parent/guardian fail supervise k-8 attendance truant child
- Parent/guardian:chronic truant pupil fails encourage attendnc
- Partic ad/etc dlr expense
- Participate in criminal street gang
- Participate in criminal street gang
- Participate/etc in obscene live conduct in public place
- Pass completed check/etc:intent:defraud
- Pass completed check/etc:intent:defraud
- Pass veh no bumpr strngth
- Pass/attempt pass false/forged/etc disabled person placard
- Passenger:minor:possess/etc alcohol in vehicle
- Pay for prostitution/etc
- Pay less than minimum fixed wage
- Pay referral hospice patient
- Pay/receive money for adoption
- Pc ofcr refuse to arrest
- Peace officer files false report
- Peace officer knowingly files false report
- Peace officer refuse to arrest
- Peace officer solicit for financial gain the sell of photo
- Peace officer/etc disclose information for financial gain
- Peace officer/etc solicits for financial gain exchange info
- Peek bedroom/etc inv priv
- Peek inhab bldg w/loitrng
- Pen reg dvc w/o crt ord
- Pen reg dvc w/o crt ord
- Perf endo proc w/contra
- Perform animal healthcare w/o license
- Perform/record marriage illegally
- Perjury
- Perjury:innocent person executed
- Perm dog to inj guide/etc
- Permit alcohol consumption after hours
- Permit begging/soliciting alcohol
- Permit contrl game bldg
- Permit contrl game bldg
- Permit gambling in house
- Permit gambling premises
- Permit gambling premises
- Permit mfg/etc gambl equp
- Permit mfg/etc gambl equp
- Permit minor to gamble in saloon
- Permit person to carry or bring firearm into vehicle
- Permit unlawful use of identification card
- Permit/aid/etc dog fighting
- Permit/etc animal/bird fight
- Person allow fire to escape/spread
- Person make/etc false/etc school records/statements
- Person tether/etc dog