Search Offenses
- Rape:spouse unconscious of nature of act
- Rape:upon child under 14 years
- Rape:victim incapable of giving consent
- Rape:victim not aware act occurred
- Rape:victim submits under belief person is known to them
- Rape:victim unaware due to perpetrators fraud
- Rape:victim unaware:fraudulent misrepresentation
- Rape:victim unconscious of the nature of the act
- Rape:victim was unconscious or asleep
- Rape/etc in concert with force/violence
- Rape/etc in concert with force/violence:minor 14 yrs or older
- Rcv comp/rev contrll game
- Rcv comp/rev contrll game
- Rcv finan ben incmp adptn
- Rcv pay for animal blood sale
- Rcv pay reference hospice pat
- Rcv pymnt items not purch
- Rcv pymnt items not purch
- Rcv/hold gambling stakes
- Rcv/hold gambling stakes
- Reaffirm false financial statement
- Reaffirm false financial statement using fictitious name
- Real estate bribery
- Real estate sales/etc violation
- Rec/etc portion of wages from worker at public work site
- Rec/etc unauth home imprv contractor
- Rec/etc with intent to evade reporting requirements
- Receive compensation for arranging/etc tow services
- Receive money for cohabitation placement
- Receive/deliver/etc adulterated food:commerce
- Receive/etc known stolen property
- Receive/etc known stolen property
- Receive/etc phone communication w/o consent
- Receive/etc/conceal/etc valuables from cntl subs proceeds
- Receive/pay bingo game wage/etc
- Reckless driving causing gbi w/specified prior conviction
- Reckless driving off-highway vehicle w/injury
- Reckless driving with injury
- Reckless driving:highway
- Reckless driving:park lot
- Reckless driving:specified injuries
- Reckless driving:specified injuries
- Reckless poss explosive/destructive in private habitation
- Reckless poss explosive/device on public street/hwy
- Reckless possession explosive in or near any public bldg
- Reckless transport/etc hazardous waste
- Reckless transport/etc hazardous waste
- Reckless/negligent watercraft operation
- Recklessly poss explosive/destructive device in public
- Record jury deliberation
- Record/etc live performance w/int to sell w/o consent
- Record/etc live performance w/int to sell w/o consent
- Record/etc phone commun
- Record/etc phone communic
- Record/register bet/wager
- Record/register bet/wager
- Reduce rmns more than one
- Reenter within 7 days asked to leave
- Reentry of deported alien
- Ref to leav fair bldg/etc
- Ref/fl dlvr new veh/parts
- Refer false/unavailable/etc rentals
- Refer lab/etc w/finan interest
- Refusal of marijuana inspection
- Refuse allow inspection cigarette/tobacco
- Refuse exh/destroy record
- Refuse information/expose/etc person to venereal disease
- Refuse permit of record
- Refuse rcrd exam by auth
- Refuse to disperse
- Refuse to kill unfit animal
- Refuse to leave state/etc fair buildings/grounds
- Refuse to pay wages due
- Refuse to relinquish party line in emergency
- Refuse/etc to comply with quarantine/disinfection order/etc
- Reg sex offender who enters an internet website:per 290.46 pc
- Register docked horse
- Register vehicle in foreign jurisdiction
- Registered owner ccw loaded and not registered w/doj w/prior
- Registered sex offender fail disclose fact to com care fac
- Registrant fail to provide proof of residence
- Registrant fail to report concurrent address
- Registrant fail to report concurrent address
- Registration of fictitious person
- Registration of fictitious person
- Registration requirement:disbarred/suspended lawyer
- Release elec cond ballon
- Release veh at impoundmnt
- Release veh at impoundmnt
- Release veh tow w/o mcp
- Release vehicle to tow truck w/o permit from towing entity
- Religious terrorism
- Remain at scene of riot/etc
- Remain at schl denied red
- Remain at schl reg revked
- Remain in legislative chamber
- Remain on campus w/o consent
- Remain on school property/disrupt school activities
- Remain/etc on school grounds w/o registering
- Removal of structure/fixture