Search Offenses
- Removal of structure/fixture [over $400]
- Remove articles from dead body
- Remove articles from dead body [over $400]
- Remove boundary monument
- Remove forest products w/o permit
- Remove hmn rmns w/o perm
- Remove human remains w/o permit
- Remove human remains/etc non dedicated cemetery
- Remove matrl fnd in cave
- Remove mortgaged property
- Remove mortgaged property
- Remove part of realty
- Remove shopping/laundry cart
- Remove tree with boundary mark
- Remove/alter/etc serial number/id mark on tear gas weapon
- Remove/alter/etc serial number/id mark on tear gas weapon
- Remove/etc guide post/etc
- Remove/etc ncic id number
- Remove/etc peace officer/etc firearm:spec circ
- Remove/etc police officer/etc weapon:non-firearm
- Remove/etc weapon from peace officer/etc:not firearm
- Remove/tmpr llb decal
- Renderer fl keep records
- Rent recalled veh
- Rent skimming:multiple acts
- Rent skimming:multiple acts
- Rent/etc for storage/sale/etc of controlled substance
- Rent/etc for storage/sale/etc of controlled substance
- Rent/etc veh to person w/ignition interlock device restriction
- Report false crime to any on duty peace officer
- Report/etc of fictitious employer/etc
- Repossess without valid license
- Repossessor work without valid registration
- Representation as doctor/etc to obtain controlled substance
- Req app to wv rght feha
- Req dlr mntn exclusiv fac
- Req dlr mtrl alteratn/etc
- Req higher price for crdt
- Req prfm work unavail veh
- Request/etc information in guise of government entity
- Rescue/att noncap prisonr
- Rescue/att resc noncap pr
- Rescue/attempt rescue prisoner
- Rescue/attempt rescue prisoner
- Resist peace officer resulting in death/sbi
- Resist peace officer results in death/serious bodily injury
- Resist/intrfr w/fireman
- Resist/intrfr w/fireman
- Restore cancelled rr tckt
- Restore railroad/steamship ticket
- Restrict digital service
- Restrict tech srvc bulltn
- Restricted driver operate vehicle w/o interlock device
- Retailer fail to display required license for tobacco products
- Retailer fail to retain purchase invoice of tobacco product
- Retake land after legal removal
- Retake/etc goods from officer/etc
- Retaliate agnst legis emp for mkng disclosure
- Return oos container to ca
- Return oos container to ca
- Rfs rlnqush line in emerg
- Ride share recalled veh
- Riding bicycle under influence of alcohol and/or drugs
- Right 1st refusl sell/etc
- Riot
- Riot
- Riot in jail/prison/ etc results in serious bodily injury
- Riot in prison/jail/etc results in serious bodily injury
- Rkls inj/dth int srvc dog
- Rls impound veh viol req
- Rls impound veh viol req
- Rls impound veh viol req
- Rmv/alter sfty sign veh
- Rmv/alter vin cal convert
- Rmv/etc gold/etc hmn rmns
- Robbery
- Robbery 1st deg home inv
- Robbery 1st degree:inhabited dwelling:in concert with others
- Robbery:first degree
- Robbery:first degree at automated teller machine/etc
- Robbery:first degree:cab/etc/inhabited dwelling
- Robbery:second degree
- Robbery:second degree
- Robbery:second degree
- Rout
- Rout/unlawful assembly
- Rubbish near fireworks
- Sale horsemeat for meals
- Sale minor bb device
- Sale of horsemeat for human consumption
- Sale of horsemeat for human consumption with prior
- Sale of vehicle by other than registered owner/dealer
- Sale or provision of lock pick/etc
- Sale used veh w/o ftc gd
- Sale veh w/altered id num
- Sale/etc of franchise by false/etc statement
- Scalping
- Scan/swipe id card for unauthorized use
- Scatter hmn rmns w/o cons
- Scatter hmn rmns w/o reg