Search Offenses
- Sell/etc explosive to minor
- Sell/etc explosive w/o permit
- Sell/etc f/arm w/o srl nm
- Sell/etc false court document
- Sell/etc firearm to mentally disordered person
- Sell/etc govt/etc id dfrd
- Sell/etc govtl/etc issued id nbr/etc to defraud/etc
- Sell/etc illegal sound recording w/prior (punishment)
- Sell/etc illegal telecommnications equipment
- Sell/etc illegal telecommnications equipment
- Sell/etc illegally transferred sound recording
- Sell/etc illegally transferred sound recording with prior
- Sell/etc in leiu of controlled substance
- Sell/etc in lieu of controlled substance
- Sell/etc in lieu of controlled substance
- Sell/etc in lieu of controlled substance
- Sell/etc insanitary milk/prod
- Sell/etc instr avoid toll
- Sell/etc instrmt avd toll
- Sell/etc liquor to minor
- Sell/etc live animal on street/highway w/injury
- Sell/etc lost/etc access card
- Sell/etc lottery tickets to minor
- Sell/etc medical degree/etc
- Sell/etc prop:avoid resti
- Sell/etc property to avoid restitution/fine
- Sell/etc public transportation w/o license
- Sell/etc restricted material to person w/o permit
- Sell/etc safe fireworks to minor under 16 years
- Sell/etc specific dead species
- Sell/etc specific substance to minor
- Sell/etc spray paint to minor under 18
- Sell/etc substitute brand of liquor
- Sell/etc toluene to person under 18 years
- Sell/etc trnsprt .60 cal+
- Sell/etc trnsprt .60 cal+
- Sell/etc unlaw exhaust
- Sell/etc unlaw rstrnt sys
- Sell/etc unsrl f/arm prt
- Sell/etc/transport explosive/etc device
- Sell/furnish salvia divinorum to person under 18 years
- Sell/give badge/etc for favored treatment
- Sell/give/etc firearm to person in prohibited class
- Sell/give/etc firearm to prohibited person
- Sell/give/etc/firearm to person in prohibited class
- Sell/give/transport/etc marijuana
- Sell/give/transport/etc marijuana
- Sell/import/etc bidis/beedies where prohibited
- Sell/install/etc previously deployed airbag
- Sell/lease w/o public report
- Sell/loan f/arm nonprchsr
- Sell/loan f/arm nonprchsr
- Sell/loan/transfer firearm to minor
- Sell/loan/transfer firearm to minor
- Sell/loan/transfer firearm:specific circumstances
- Sell/loan/transfer firearm:specific circumstances
- Sell/loan/trnsf f/arm mnr
- Sell/loan/trnsf f/arm mnr
- Sell/poss/etc removed/etc dudleya
- Sell/prescribe dinitrophenol
- Sell/purchase alcohol after hours
- Sell/rent harmful matter must be in adult only area
- Sell/rent/etc harmful matter to minor
- Sell/rent/etc harmful matter to minor w/pr
- Sell/ship nonambul animal
- Sell/trade/for adoption injured/diseased pet animals
- Sell/trans disbld anm oos
- Sell/transfer manufactured/assembled firearm
- Sell/transfer/etc firearms without a license
- Sell/transfer/give/etc switchblade knife
- Sell/transfer/receive/etc access card:intent:fraud
- Sell/transport cut plant
- Sell/trnsf/etc switchblad
- Sell/use crib sheet for commercial drivers license
- Sell/use crib sht cmv exm
- Sell/use/etc unclassed fireworks
- Send forgd tele msg:fraud
- Send forged telephone/telegraph message to defraud
- Send minor to immoral place
- Send minor to improper place
- Send/etc false fire alarm by any method
- Send/etc tear gas/tear gas weapon into prison/jail:weapon
- Send/possess/etc obscene matter
- Send/possess/etc obscene matter w/prior
- Send/sell/etc obscene matter depicting minor
- Send/sell/etc obscene matter depicting minor
- Send/use tear gas in prsn
- Set/maintain trap w/o reg id
- Sex activity:public emp/etc w/confined consenting adult:pr
- Sex activity:public emp/etc with confined consenting adult
- Sex exploitation of child:develop/etc photo/etc:sex conduct
- Sex offender fail to register/etc
- Sex offender fail update annual registration
- Sex offender fail update annual registration
- Sex offender give other prisoner wit/etc id/etc:int:harass
- Sex offender reg work/voluntr licensed facility for children
- Sex offender with prior arrange meeting
- Sex offender:loiter at school
- Sex offender:unlawful enter elder care facility
- Sex offender:unlawful enter school