Search Offenses
- Stop/etc at emergency scene
- Storage of f/arm accessed by child/prohib prsn tkn off premise
- Storage of f/arm acessd by chld/prohib prsn taken to school
- Storage of fireworks w/o valid permit
- Store/etc fireworks near flammable liquids
- Store/etc/transport hazardous waste
- Stores/etc hazardous waste w/o permit
- Strip/body cavity search of minor in juvenile detention
- Structr monetary transctn
- Structur monetary transac
- Sub claim:unusd helth ben
- Submit claim for health benefits not used by claimant
- Submit false claim for payment
- Submit false claim for payment
- Submit false claim handling fee
- Submit false claim handling fee
- Submit req veh cert/etc
- Subornation of perjury
- Substitute one child for another
- Subvert licensing exam
- Supervise/etc prostitution activities
- Supply/deliver/give ammunition to known prohibited minor
- Supply/sell/give firearm:criminal street gang activity
- Supply/sell/give firearm:criminal street gang activity
- Swap meet operator fail to retain reports
- Swap meet vendor fail to have reports available
- Sx ofn rvl wit info prsnr
- Take aircraft w/o consent
- Take aircraft w/o owner's consent
- Take bike out without owners permission
- Take bird/etc without license/etc
- Take deer without a license
- Take fish from a protected marine area
- Take marine mammal violation
- Take marked cart from retail establishment
- Take on-call emergency/etc vehicle
- Take person for illicit relations
- Take person for prostitution w/o consent
- Take recog racing pigeon
- Take reward for deputation
- Take salmon without commercial fishing stamp
- Take swordfish w/o permit
- Take upland bird species without valid stamp on hunt license
- Take veh trade/part sold
- Take vehicle w/o owner's consent/vehicle theft
- Take vehicle without owner consent with specific priors
- Take vehicle without owner's consent
- Take vessel without owner permission
- Take water from canal/etc for manufacturing/etc
- Take watr frm canal $950+
- Take watr frm canal $950+
- Take white shark
- Take/etc firearm from peace officer/etc
- Take/etc undersized/etc dungeness crab
- Take/poss bird/mammal game ref
- Take/poss bird/wpn waterfowl ref
- Take/poss clam/instr in clam refuge
- Take/poss quail in quail refuge
- Take/possess nongame bird during the wrong hours
- Take/sell/possess tortoises
- Taken by means of a riot from peace officer custody
- Tamper trnst sys int gbi
- Tamper w/aircraft
- Tamper with passenger transit system
- Tamper with railroad apparatus
- Tamper with signal light
- Tamper with vehicle
- Tamper/etc with fire alarm/etc
- Tamper/etc with ignition interlock device
- Tamper/etc with lock/seal/etc on property of deceased
- Tampering with jury list
- Tattoo person under 18 years
- Tax preparer violation
- Taxidermist:fail to keep complete records
- Teach f/arm/etc cvl dsord
- Tear gas/tear gas weapons ill use
- Teargas/teargas weapon purchased/etc shall display exp date
- Tele fraud bad/susp card
- Tele fraud bad/susp card
- Tele fraud by code/scheme
- Tele fraud by code/scheme
- Tele fraud chrg w/o auth
- Tele fraud chrg w/o auth
- Tele fraud deception/etc
- Tele fraud deception/etc
- Tele fraud tamper w/srvc
- Tele fraud tamper w/srvc
- Tele prvdr fail cllct fee
- Telephonic seller fail to maintain bond
- Temp dlr fl nm/etc in adv
- Temp dlr fl prvd byr stmt
- Temp dlr fl sbmt dmv auth
- Teriz:place sym:priv prop
- Teriz:place sym:priv prop
- Terrorize swastika 2+
- Terrorize swastika 2+
- Terrorize:burn/etc cross/etc on private property/school
- Terrorize:burn/etc cross/etc on private property/school
- Terrorize:hang noose
- Terrorize:hang noose