Search Offenses
- Terrorize:hang noose
- Terrorize:place/etc symbol/etc on private property
- Terrorize:place/etc symbol/etc on private property w/prior
- Terrorz burn/etc cross 2+
- Terrorz burn/etc cross 2+
- Test dairy products inaccurately
- Tf ablne w/o lice/rprt crd
- Tf fish w/o vld sport lic
- Theft 25 or more newspapers with intent to recycle for cash
- Theft 25+ free newspapers
- Theft by forged/invalid access card
- Theft by forged/invalid access card [over $400]
- Theft by use of access card information
- Theft by use of access card information
- Theft elder/dependant adult (over $950)
- Theft elder/dependant adult (under $950)
- Theft of 25 or more free newspapers to deprive others
- Theft of 25 or more free newspapers with intent to sell them
- Theft of 25+ free newspaper:intent harm business competitor
- Theft of binder chains
- Theft of elder/dependent adult by caretaker
- Theft of funds by broker/agent
- Theft of personal property
- Theft of personal property
- Theft of prop after prior
- Theft of property used by postal service
- Theft of telephone/telegraph services w/prior
- Theft of trade secrets:fraud
- Theft of trade secrets:offers bribe
- Theft of trade secrets:steals
- Theft of trade secrets:unlawful access
- Theft of trade secrets:unlawful copying
- Theft of utility services
- Theft of utility services
- Theft of utility services
- Theft of utility services
- Theft of utility services
- Theft of utility services [over $400]
- Theft trade secret:access
- Theft trade secret:copy
- Theft trade secrets:bribe
- Theft trade secrets:fraud
- Theft trade secrets:steal
- Theft util serv:diverts
- Theft util serv:tmpr mtr
- Theft util serv:tmpr prp
- Theft util srvs diverts
- Theft: nonreturn of rental property
- Theft: nonreturn of rental property
- Theft:misrepresent as access card holder
- Theft:misrepresent as access card holder [over $400]
- Thft elder by crtkr -$950
- Thft elder by crtkr $950+
- Thft eldr/depn adlt -$950
- Thft eldr/depn adlt $950+
- Thft util srvs rcv beneft
- Thft util srvs tamper mrt
- Thft util srvs tampr prop
- Thft util srvs w/o cnsnt
- Thft utl serv: w/o cons
- Thft utl srv: wo cons utl
- Third dui conviction within 10 years
- Threaten crime with intent to terrorize
- Threaten crime with intent to terrorize
- Threaten juror after verdict is rendered
- Threaten pub official
- Threaten ransomware to computer/etc w/intent to extort money
- Threaten school/public officer/employee
- Threaten school/public officer/employee
- Threaten with laser scope with intent to cause fear
- Threaten/etc elected official/judge/etc
- Threaten/etc elected official/judge/etc
- Threatened disruption or interfere w/classes
- Threatening letter w/intent to extort
- Threatn sch/pub ofcr w/pr
- Threats obstructing exercise of religion
- Threats verbally/etc:use weapon of mass destruction
- Threats verbally/etc:use weapon of mass destruction
- Throw burning material
- Throw flaming substance from vehicle
- Throw injurious substance on highway w/o gbi intent
- Throw obj commn veh b/hrm
- Throw object at common carrier vehicle
- Throw object at train/etc
- Throw object from toll bridge
- Throw or project object at vessel or any occupant of vessel
- Throw substance at off-highway vehicle
- Throw substance at off-highway vehicle w/gbi intent
- Throw substance at vehicle
- Throw substance at vehicle with gbi intent
- Throw/etc injurious substance on highway w/gbi intent
- Throw/shoot object at train/etc
- Thrtn advrs actn dlr exp
- Thrtn extort w/ransomware
- Thrtn force wit of crime
- Thrtn force wit of crime
- Thrtn juror post verdict
- Thrtn ltr w/wint to extort
- Thrtn pub official w/pr
- Thrtn school/pub ofcr/emp