Search Offenses
- Trespass:broadcast facility/etc
- Trespass:build fires
- Trespass:certain uc land
- Trespass:closed lands
- Trespass:damage sign
- Trespass:destroy fence/etc
- Trespass:destroy standing timber
- Trespass:drive on private property
- Trespass:electrical facility
- Trespass:explosives facility
- Trespass:felon refuse to leave private property
- Trespass:gas facility
- Trespass:injure property
- Trespass:injure/etc freehold
- Trespass:obstruct/etc business of public agency
- Trespass:obstruct/etc business operations/etc
- Trespass:occupy property without consent
- Trespass:off limit area
- Trespass:oyster lands
- Trespass:petroleum industry
- Trespass:posted land:destroy sign
- Trespass:posted land:discharge firearm
- Trespass:posted land:refuse to leave
- Trespass:posted land:tamper lock
- Trespass:quarries
- Trespass:rail transit property
- Trespass:railroad facility
- Trespass:railroad property
- Trespass:refuse to leave hotel/motel
- Trespass:refuse to leave property
- Trespass:refuse to leave property:owner request
- Trespass:refuse to leave property:peace officer request
- Trespass:refuse to leave public building
- Trespass:remove timber
- Trespass:sewerage facility
- Trespass:skiing in closed area
- Trespass:soil removal
- Trespass:soil removal from public property
- Trespass:sterile area of airport or vessel terminal
- Trespass:unauthorized entry on posted airport operation area
- Trespass:water facility
- Trespassing
- Trip w/int equine fr sprt
- Trnsp inhltn hzrd no rcrd
- Trnsp sound rcrdng to sel
- Truancy
- Truant:arresting authority
- Umpire/etc accept bribe
- Unauth acces cmptr -$5000
- Unauth acces cmptr $5000+
- Unauth access computer system/etc (under $5000)
- Unauth access computer system/etc [over $5000 victim cost]
- Unauth alter computr data
- Unauth alter/etc computer data/systems
- Unauth ammo purchase
- Unauth copy/use cmptr dat
- Unauth dlvr commun prsnr
- Unauth entr of dwelling
- Unauth entry evac avalnch
- Unauth entry occu dwling
- Unauth entry/sell airport
- Unauth stamp prod/cntnr
- Unauth use accss crd 950+
- Unauth use computer srvcs
- Unauth use/etc computer services [under $400]
- Unauthorized activities by cable tv corporation
- Unauthorized advertise/practice law
- Unauthorized animal/vehicle use
- Unauthorized cable tv interceptors/decoders
- Unauthorized communication with prisoner
- Unauthorized connection:alter/etc cable tv/etc transmission
- Unauthorized copy/use computer data
- Unauthorized disclosure of dmv information
- Unauthorized dumping
- Unauthorized duplication/etc of vehicle sales license
- Unauthorized entry on posted land with 3 or more priors
- Unauthorized entry to sell/peddle/etc at airport
- Unauthorized fill/etc controlled substance prescription
- Unauthorized furnish dangerous device/dispense drugs
- Unauthorized manufacture/etc cable tv decoders/etc
- Unauthorized mfg/sell/etc decoding device:cable tv/etc svs
- Unauthorized narcotic treatment place
- Unauthorized non-agricultural burning
- Unauthorized person receive/etc criminal record/etc
- Unauthorized possession of grocery pallet/etc
- Unauthorized possession of grocery pallet/etc
- Unauthorized possession of prescription blanks
- Unauthorized possession/reproduction of license
- Unauthorized receive/intercept cable tv/etc services
- Unauthorized recording device in motion picture theater
- Unauthorized recording/etc live performance [+1000 articles]
- Unauthorized refill/etc dangerous drug prescription/device
- Unauthorized removal of recyclable material
- Unauthorized retrieval of shopping cart
- Unauthorized stay/return:school zone
- Unauthorized subleasing of motor vehicles
- Unauthorized to receive or possess record or information
- Unauthorized use:blue light
- Unauthorized use/destroy/etc dairy brand reg [over $400]
- Unauthorized use/obliterate/etc dairy brand reg [$400 or less]