Search Offenses
- Vandalism within 100 feet of highway
- Vandalism:damage property
- Vandalism:damage property
- Vandalism:deface property
- Vandalism:deface property
- Vandalism:deface property:prior conviction for defacing
- Vandalism:destroy other's property
- Vandalism:destroy other's property
- Vandalize church/etc because of race/etc to intimidate/etc
- Vandalize place of worship
- Vandalize place of worship
- Vandlz chrch/etc to intim
- Veh dealer false stmnt
- Veh dlr false advert
- Veh driver/owner permit discharge of firearm from vehicle
- Veh driver/owner permit discharge of firearm from vehicle
- Veh driver/owner permit other carry/etc firearm into vehicle
- Veh req for transp equine
- Veh towed access to phone
- Veh w/radar jam equip
- Veh w/rdr jm equp sl/etc
- Vehicle manslaughter w/gross negligence
- Vehicle manslaughter w/o gross negligence
- Vehicle manslaughter with vessel w/gross negligence
- Vehicle towed/stored access to public pay phone
- Vehicle/etc on highway for sale/etc
- Vehicle/etc theft:specific priors
- Vehicular manslaughter operate vessel without gross negligence
- Vehicular manslaughter w/intoxicated without gross negligence
- Vehicular manslaughter w/intoxicated without gross negligence
- Vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence
- Vehicular manslaughter with vessel w/o gross negligence
- Vehicular manslaughter with vessel with gross negligence
- Vehicular manslaughter with vessel without gross negligence
- Vehicular manslaughter with vessel:with gross negligence
- Vehicular manslaughter:cause accident for financial gain
- Vend on/near freeway:w/pr
- Vend/etc at highway vista point/etc
- Vending on/near freeway:with prior
- Vendor lic required sell 500+ rounds ammo w/i 30day period
- Vendor sell fire dept uniform to unauth
- Vendor/etc illegally furnish information to unauthorized
- Verify/etc false/etc tax return
- Vessel ordered stopped:permit l/e vessel to come alongside
- Video/photo bed/bthrm/etc
- Vio spec: trap destruction device
- Vio: cand spec w/not
- Vio: disp prmt nbr-lbstr fishing
- Vio: flr to display reg nbr
- Vio: gnrl trap prmt susp/rev
- Vio: procr com psgr fish boat lic
- Vio: spec fish comercl boat
- Viol ammo sale info req
- Viol ammo vendor lic req
- Viol art/reg radio tech
- Viol article 10 vc 28050
- Viol auto repair act
- Viol carry/displ ship req
- Viol confidn of mand rpt
- Viol court order to prevent domestic viol w/physical inj
- Viol crt ord dom viol inj
- Viol crt ord dom violence
- Viol crt ord vio w/pr inj
- Viol crt ord vio w/pr inj
- Viol crt ord:vio 7 yrs pr
- Viol crt ord:vio 7 yrs pr
- Viol div 2 part 5 regs
- Viol dlr dlvr f/arm req
- Viol driver safety regs
- Viol food/agri provision
- Viol highway rest area reg
- Viol infrm cons ref treat
- Viol license provisions
- Viol manuf housing act
- Viol multifamily structure reg
- Viol obtn resd writ cons
- Viol of monetary transctn
- Viol of order for abtment
- Viol political reform act
- Viol priv party sal f/arm
- Viol priv prty dlvr f/arm
- Viol prohib explsv cargo
- Viol prot order w/minor
- Viol protect ordr mnr inj
- Viol protective order:prohibit possession of firearm
- Viol protective order:prohibit possession of firearm
- Viol prov/reg radio tech
- Viol pub convey disab/dog
- Viol section 20, 27, 31
- Viol tow req rmv veh prvt
- Viol transp explsv no trp
- Viol transp explsv ovrhng
- Viol transp explsv resid
- Viol transport explsv req
- Viol trnsp explsv lt mtch
- Viol ver rec writ consent
- Viol vndr elec submis req
- Violate abatement order
- Violate anti-docking law
- Violate civil rights by force or threat of force