Search Offenses
- Benefit by false financial statement
- Benefit by false financial statement using fictitious name
- Bigamy
- Bigamy
- Bingo game prize exceeds maximum
- Block movement:system facility/vehicle
- Blow into interlock device/start veh for restricted person
- Bod cavity/etc search vio
- Body cavity/etc search violation
- Bookmaking with prior conviction
- Brandishing firearm replica
- Break water pipe/etc
- Break/etc lock/etc to cav
- Break/remove warning devices
- Bribe employee to obtain loan
- Bribe executive officer
- Bribe judicial officer/juror/etc
- Bribe legislator
- Bribe pub ofcr gt $950+
- Bribe pub ofcr pt -$950
- Bribe public officer/etc
- Bribe public officer/etc
- Bribe public official
- Bribe telephone/telegraph agent to disclose message
- Bribe witness to dissuade from attending trial
- Bring alcohol/drugs/etc into prison/jail/etc
- Bring cell phone/etc into jail
- Bring controlled substance/etc into prison/jail/etc
- Bring drgs/alc to jl/prsn
- Bring liquor into prison/jail
- Bring stolen property into state
- Bring tear gas to jl/prsn
- Bring/etc alcohol into juvenile hall/etc
- Bring/etc cntl sub/etc into youth authority institutions
- Bring/etc controlled substance/etc into juvenile hall/etc
- Bring/etc controlled substance/etc into juvenile hall/etc
- Bring/send tear gas/tear gas weapon into prison/jail/etc
- Brkr dlr encumbr trst acc
- Build/etc false compartment in veh to store/etc cntl sub
- Building used as a illegal bathhouse
- Building used for illegal gambling/lewdness
- Burglary
- Burglary
- Burglary w/explosives/etc
- Burglary with explosives/etc
- Burglary:first degree
- Burglary:first degree
- Burglary:first degree
- Burglary:second degree
- Burglary:second degree
- Burglary:second degree
- Burglary:second degree
- Burglary:second degree
- Burglary/etc during state of emergency/etc
- Burn hazardous waste without permit
- Burn hrmful matrl in cave
- Burn land of another without permission
- Bury human rmns w/o cons
- Business offer/etc refund/etc for client/etc referral
- Business sell/etc drug paraphernalia to person und 18
- Business w/o maint place
- Business w/o req bond
- Business/professional licensee conspire w/unlicensed
- Buy appointment to office
- Buy library books illegally
- Buy vehicles/etc to sell/etc with id removed/etc
- Buy/attempt to buy diploma or degree
- Buy/etc medi-cal card/etc
- Buy/etc personal property w/id removed over $950
- Buy/etc personal property w/id removed under $950
- Buy/etc personal property:id removed:computer chip over $950
- Buy/etc prop no id -$950
- Buy/etc prop:no id $950+
- Buy/etc vessel w/o id num
- Buy/negotiate/etc farm product without license
- Buy/receives any part of fire hydrant to salvage
- Buy/sell sniperscope
- Buy/sell/possess vehicle with altered number
- Ca regs:bring dangerous material onto univ property
- Ca regs:drive veh carelessly endanger person/property/wildlife
- Ca regs:exceed bag limit:black bass
- Ca regs:failure to vacate campsite
- Ca regs:fire extinguisher violation
- Ca regs:fishing activity record violation
- Ca regs:hunt/fish w/o a license
- Ca regs:illegal method of taking raccoon
- Ca regs:invalid hunting license
- Ca regs:littering in a unit
- Ca regs:lobster trap violation
- Ca regs:no glass or porcelain targets permited
- Ca regs:non-affiliate consume alcohol
- Ca regs:non-affiliate in possession of dangerous wpn
- Ca regs:non-affiliate violate sign/etc regulation
- Ca regs:north pt conception:striped bass:minm size 18 inch
- Ca regs:one line no more than 3 hooks:fin fish
- Ca regs:operate a boat at excess speed of that posted
- Ca regs:personal flotation device violation
- Ca regs:posses restricted species:piranhas
- Ca regs:possess illegal deer
- Ca regs:possess undersize leopard shark